Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Two nights ago (Feb.13th) I went to bed thinking about my first true love... the one who came down from heaven to this earth to become human, walked out the example of love and then gave himself as the perfect sacrifice for you and I. It continues to blow my mind; a love so beautiful and mysterious, unfailing, unconditional, peaceful yet raging, giving but also jealous. We don't deserve a love like that. On this earth I don't think I'll ever understand the fullness of Christ's love but I do want to commit to growing closer in love with him.

--> I commit to doing my part in this relationship. (i.e. studying the word, praying and fasting)

--> I commit to sharing my experience with others.

--> I commit to making myself more vulnerable and open to change/improvement.

--> I commit my life to you God!

While my relationship with God continues to flourish and mature, I pray that I am able to show his love to others in the proper way. Thank you God for this wonderful love story and Happy Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Heidi-Hoooooooooo :-)

Long time no post..... but it's great to be back. Hopefully y'all have been leading a very productive and joyful life because I know I have (ha ha ha ha). I've been thinking lately about how much I would love to blog more often than I do but I just don't know how to practically make that happen. Any suggestions? They would be much appreciated. Because I would love to share what I'm learning from people, books, and God but it seems like there's not enough time in my day to do it. Well I'm sure that if I have the drive and determination it can happen! So let's just move right along...

God has been amazingly awesome! He's recently opened my eyes to how wonderful the people in my life are. Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship is a fantastic community made up of such a diverse group of individuals. A lot of my authentic friendships were started with Chi Alpha and I'm so thankful for that. I NEVER want to take advantage of that so I've entered a season of my life where it's time to give back to those people. Hopefully I'll be able to post a few more things God is teaching me in this area.[[[alarm beeps]]] It's about that time......for me to get off of work. I'm praying each person that gets to read this entry; that God blesses you beyond belief!

Keep moving forward y'all!

Monday, September 27, 2010

What I'm feeling right now.

Today, what a beautiful and cool (literally) day. I wish I could have spent some time outside enjoying this weather but NOT TODAY! ha ha ha work in the office again. Hopefully there's more days like this to come. So I'm listening to Pandora while I'm working and this wonderful song comes on. I was just about to click "thumbs down" because I didn't want it on my Paramore station but as it continued to play and I actually listened to the words......WOW! Here's the 2 verses and chorus to the song:

Stand in the Rain
by Superchic(k)

Verse 1:
She never slows down
she doesn't know why but she knows that when she's all alone,
feels like it's all coming down.
She won't turn around
the shadows are long and she fears if she cries that first tear,
the tears will not stop raining down.

Stand in the rain
stand your ground
stand up when it's all crashing down.
You stand through the pain
you won't drown
and one day what's lost can be found.
You stand in the rain.

Verse 2:
She won't make a sound
alone in this fight with herself and
the fears whispering if she stands she'll fall down.
She wants to be found
the only way out is through everything
she's running from, wants to give up and lie down.

Stand in the rain
stand your ground
stand up when it's all crashing down.
You stand through pain
you won't drown
and one day what's lost can be found.
You stand in the rain

That's the song speaking to me right now!
More to come soon!

Keep moving forward y'all!

Monday, September 20, 2010

A Fresh start...

Hello to all! I would like to welcome you to my new blog. Hopefully this one will be more active and challenging. With this new blog my hope is that from my experiences you will possibly learn and maybe even share some of your thoughts and challenges. So let the journey begin...

This scripture always speaks a great deal to me:
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14 (NLT)

That's all I have for right now but more will come soon.

Keep moving forward y'all!